Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rear Admiral Shannon

Sept. 13th, Chula Vista - During this morning's training session we were honored to be paid a surprise visit from Admiral Shannon, the Commander of Navy Carrier Strike Group One.

Admiral Shannon shared a few moments of his time along with some great perspective on soccer and the U.S. armed forces.


Soccer,  primarily a non-stop sport, one in which the coach has minimal direct impact on the game play throughout a 90 minute match, is the most relate-able sport to the ideal state of the Navy. During a periods of crises there is no time for coaching or training. As we train for each game in the tournament we must visualize our roles and style of play so that during the game we are prepared to direct a certain outcome. We must also do this as team members in a sea going service, training so that in times of action, we need no coaching or further preparation. So we are ready to move with our  mind entirely immersed in the game.

Admiral Shannon continued by making the point that soccer, a truly global sport can often be an incredibly powerful tool of diplomacy. He encouraged us to start teams on board ships and take those teams out in port calls to play with locals. And that by doing so we could leverage a great sense of brotherhood. A sense that would resonate much more than simple day to day interactions or presence alone. In his words, "soccer is truly a universal language."

Afterwards, Admiral Shannon sent Coach Wilson an email:


Thanks for letting me come out and meet the team yesterday morning. Your Sailors are an inspiration in their dedication to representing our Navy. There are many parallels between team sports, and in particular soccer, and the skills that are necessary in our services. 
 I appreciate the opportunity to share some thoughts with the team. Your Sailors have a unique opportunity to take their skills and experiences back to the fleet and represent their units in local, Navy, or even international events. Many of us have seen these engagements have lasting impacts in relationships with our friends and allies.
 Best of luck as you compete in the Armed Forces Championships! I know you are the man to lead and coach them to victory.
 R, TK Shannon

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